January 22, 2014
PSI is a development time box (uber-sprint) that uses cadence and synchronization to facilitate planning, provide for aggregation of newsworthy value, and provide a quantum unit of thinking for portfolio level consideration and roadmapping. PSI (Release) Objectives are defined in Scaled Agile Framework as a key alignment tool that teams use within the agile program. Here’s a review over the basics of PSI, objectives and process. Enjoy!
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Shirly Ronen-Harel

PSI/Release - Abstract


Alex Yakyma: 17 Truths about PSI/Release Objectives

PSI Objectives are actually not a trivial concept, as is, in fact, the case for anything describing complex aspects of software engineering at scale. That's why it is important that agile teams, program stakeholders, consultants and coaches understand PSI Objectives and their correct application. In this post I will try to provide simple, understandable, compact and actionable points regarding PSI/Release Objectives. Even though unordered, they are useful as they represent answers to common queries:

Program PSI Objectives

Program PSI Objectives are a summarized description of the business and technical goals for the upcoming PSI of an Agile Release Train. During release planning, each team reviews the vision and any other input objectives, defines initial user stories, and plans them into iterations until their capacity is reached. They then use those planning results to synthesize and summarize the specific business and technical objectives for their team for that PSI. These are the Team’s PSI Objectives.

Release Planning

Release Planning is the seminal, cadence-based synchronization point of the Agile Release Train (ART). Release planning is a routine, program-scale, face-to-face event with a standardized agenda that includes presentation of vision, team planning breakouts, and commitment to PSI and release objectives for the next PSI timebox. Facilitated by the Release Train Engineer, attendees typically include ALL members of the program. It takes place over a one and a half to two-day period at each PSI boundary. In geographically distributed programs, the event may occur at multiple locations simultaneously, with a constant communication between the locations. Outputs of the planning process include: Team PSI Objectives for each individual team, a synthesized and summarized set of Program PSI Objectives, including any release commitments, a PSI Plan identifying milestones during the period, and a vote of confidence/commitment from the entire program to these objectives. After planning, the Roadmap is updated to reflect the results and forecast for future PSIs.

Team PSI Objectives

Team PSI Objectives are a summarized description of the specific business and technical goals that a team intends to achieve in the upcoming PSI. During release planning, each team reviews the vision and any other input objectives, defines initial user stories, and plans them into iterations until their capacity is reached. They then use those results to reflect on the plan and synthesize and summarize the specific technical and business objectives for their team for that PSI.

When is a SAFe PSI not a PSI?
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