Release Planning is the seminal, cadence-based synchronization point of the Agile Release Train (ART). Release planning is a routine, program-scale, face-to-face event with a standardized agenda that includes presentation of vision, team planning breakouts, and commitment to PSI and release objectives for the next PSI timebox. Facilitated by the Release Train Engineer, attendees typically include ALL members of the program. It takes place over a one and a half to two-day period at each PSI boundary. In geographically distributed programs, the event may occur at multiple locations simultaneously, with a constant communication between the locations.
Outputs of the planning process include: Team PSI Objectives for each individual team, a synthesized and summarized set of Program PSI Objectives, including any release commitments, a PSI Plan identifying milestones during the period, and a vote of confidence/commitment from the entire program to these objectives. After planning, the Roadmap is updated to reflect the results and forecast for future PSIs.